Meherunisha Vurchio

Meherunisha studied at Winchester School of Art & Music (cello and piano) and has many years experience of teaching piano to all ages and abilities,

Meherunisha’s piano students are from across the age spectrum and vary in age from 5 to 85. Lessons are tailored to individuals’ needs and for those wishing to take exams, Meherunisha has an exceptional record for students’ exam results.

Whilst many of Meherunisha’s students are older, she also specialises in teaching the very young, after completing a training programme for using the Kodály approach in teaching music to young children . This approach informed the syllabus for Coda’s Tots, Toddlers, Minors & Majors groups. Meherunisha has also been working in schools for several years providing music lessons and group instrumental lessons in recorder and keyboard.


Hannah Meredith


Carol Davies