Welcome back for the Summer Term

The Coda Summer Term starts Monday 15th April. We hope you have had a relaxing Easter break and we look forward to welcoming you all back.


Over the last couple of weeks, our brilliant Memory Band have been ‘on tour’, visiting residential care homes across the local area including Linden House (Lymington), The Gatehouse (Barton-on-Sea), Avon View (Christchurch), St. Annes (Southbourne) and Memory Lane (Mudeford) with more to come in May.

Avon View sent us this lovely feedback: “Many thanks for entertaining our residents on Tuesday. They thoroughly enjoyed your interactive concert and all the fun you brought. They loved the range of music and it was good to see them engaging well with lots of smiles in the room. We really appreciate you coming and hopefully there will be future opportunities for you to come again. You are always welcome and our residents have expressed that they would love to see you again.”

St. Annes said “Residents got benefit from it. And of course all the staff. One of the residents stood up personally to congratulate the band (see picture below). Again, Thank you very much.”

The Gatehouse said “Thank you so much to Coda Music and Arts Trust for such a fantastic morning! It went incredibly well, thank you. The residents had such a lovely time. We all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.”

Thank you to all the members of the Memory Band for your time, commitment and enthusiasm and to NFU Mutual for supporting this work with older people in our local community.


From today (15th April), you will be able to enjoy our Creative Wellbeing sessions at a brand new venue in SOMERFORD. Sessions will take place at Somerford ARC, 20 Southey Road, BH23 3EH on Mondays from 1-3pm.

Delivered by local Art Facilitators and designed to support mental health in adults, these open-studio style drop-in groups offer a range of creative activities.

If you think you would benefit from joining us at a Creative Wellbeing group, please come along – we would love to see you.

If you have any questions about the new sessions, or any Creative Wellbeing queries, contact Martin Pettett on martin@coda.org.uk


If you are thinking about learning an instrument – or would you like to go back to an instrument – we currently have availability for woodwind tuition and are welcoming new students. Lessons are on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon/evening.

Jacqui Khan is our brilliant Woodwind tutor – as well as teaching Flute, Clarinet and all the orchestral woodwind instruments, she also teaches recorder and penny whistle.

We offer 20 minute taster sessions for just £5 (subject to availability) for instrumental tuition – please get in touch if you would like to arrange a trial lesson.


A reminder that the closing date for the Summer Trinity exams is 9th May (for exams scheduled on 6th & 7th July).

If you are interested in taking a Trinity classical exam in July and feel you will be ready, please speak to your tutor. They will be able to discuss your readiness, confirm fees and explain the process to you.

Completed applications must be with us by 9th May (latest) to be collected by the Trinity exam co-ordinator.


A reminder that invoices were sent out w/c 25th March. If you haven’t received an invoice, please get in touch and let us know.

If you are not planning to return, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can offer your space to those on our waiting lists.

We look forward to seeing you back at Coda this week for the start of Summer Term.


Coda Summer Newsletter


Coda Easter Newsletter