Martin Pettett

Martin has a wide-ranging CV, but it’s his experience in Communications, IT and event management that is put to best use at Coda.

Martin worked for hArt for over 4 years, as Office Manager, before hArt merged with Coda in June 2023, seeing Martin become ‘Health & Wellbeing manager’.

Martin spent nearly nine years at Lloyds Banking Group, in various roles including sales, sales coaching, HR and as Internal Communications manager. Before that Martin has been everything from a fishmonger to a fitness instructor!

Prior to joining hArt in 2018, he was a stay-at-home dad for three years, during which time he developed his house and learnt to build websites.

Martin is married with two school-age children, enjoys building things (such as outdoor furniture), cycling, tennis, hiking and still plays football every week, despite being ‘Slow, old and riddled with injuries’. He also coaches youth football and acts as live-in maintenance man and IT technician to fix all the stuff his wife and children break around the house.

“Coda is a special charity, run by amazing people who put their heart and soul into making other people’s lives better, which is why I’m privileged to be a part of it”


Heidi Steller


Greg Pepper